fonte ? (police)
principale ? (corps)


On 26/06/20 16:04, Garulfo wrote:

Math. I get the following error :

fonts  > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts  > defining > font with asked name 'fichier' is not found using lookup 'file'
fonts  > defining > unknown font 'fichier', loading aborted

I suppose that due to the translation of "file" to "fichier".
It's OK when I switch back to
- setupstrings    cd:file ==> file
You can translate these string because they are only used in the command list to provide the texts which are shown in uppercase letter, e.g. NUMBER.
- variables file    ==> file
Constants (\c!...) and variables (\v!...) can be changed, only parameters which use the form \s!... have to be english in all cases (saves memory and improves performance).
How can I translate the variable "file" into fichier, without messing with fonts (and maybe other file related functions)
There shouldn't be a problem with fonts because they use \s!file or \s!name which aren't translated (unless you made the mistake and have \c!file in your typescripts). It's possible there is a bug somewhere but you have to provide a minimal example.

My understanding:

I translated \setupbodyfont into \configurerfonteprincipale.

But I didn't specify any font in the input file.

As soon as I specified \configurerfonteprincipale[pagella,10pt] in the input file, font messages "'fichier' is not found" disappear.

Is there an additionnal thing to do in order to enable the loading of a default math font, without any font specification, but still with translations of "file" into "fichier" ?

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