On Thu, 10 Dec 2020, Hans Hagen wrote:

> > dotlabel uses a pen to draw the dot, and I am not sure why it uses that 
> > rather
> > than a path. Here is a (to me) simpler definition, where you can change the
> > shape:
> just look in the pdf ... in your case the dot is a n point path while 
> otherwise
> it uses the default postscript pen (which is a dot)

Ah, that makes sense. 

> it surprised me that a math guru like you doesn't do this:
> vardef dotlabel@#(expr s,z) text t_ =
> %     draw textext("$\bullet$") scaled (1/2) shifted z ;
> %     draw textext("$\blacktriangle$") scaled (1/4) shifted z ;
>     draw textext("$\blacksquare$") scaled (1/4) shifted z ;
>     label@#(s,z) t_ ;
> enddef ;
> \stopMPdefinitions

Ha! I know that you said this as a joke, but as someone who did try to use the 
old font-based picture environment in LaTeX back in the day, I would never try 
to use fonts for "drawing". Especially, math fonts, where every designer has a 
different idea of what the shape should look like. 

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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