On 2/27/2021 6:28 PM, denis.ma...@ub.unibe.ch wrote:
It's a book that will be published in two volumes, continually paginated.
In the end I need two pdf files, but I thought it might be easier to treat them 
as one volume and just split the files with some external tool afterwards.

I could also treat them as two individual books, but then I'd have to get the 
last page number of volume 1 in volume 2.
On the console you see the pagenumbers right? What you need is the realpage. You could actually do something:

    \writestatus{!!!!!}{SPLIT HERE: \the\realpageno}
\to \everystoptext

and then use this number in:

context --extra=select --selection=1:4    oeps.pdf --once --autopdf
context --extra=select --selection=5:9999 oeps.pdf --once --autopdf

(We can actually relate tags to pages so maybe I will make something to pick that up from the tuc file.)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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