On 4/1/2021 6:25 PM, Daniel Barker wrote:
Hi all,

I have noticed that placing a floating object next to text with location "left", "right", etc. seems to move the current paragraph slightly up, resulting in too little space between the current and previous paragraph.

This can be seen quite clearly in the output of the following example:

\setupbodyfont[dejavu, serif, 12pt]



   \startplacefigure[location={right, none}]

     \framed[width=3cm, height=2cm]{graphic}





I am using the current (2021.03.31 18:04) version of ConTeXt LMTX. On ConTeXt live, which seems to be running an older version, this does not occur, i.e. the spacing is even, as I would expect it to be.

I assume this is a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

fixed in next upload (i overloaded a shortcut when i added something else)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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