I don't know if this is restricted to inproceedings entries, but
consider the following test.bib:

      author = {Foo, Bar},
      booktitle = {Booktitle},
      pages = {34--39},
      title = {Title of the paper},
      year = {1983}

When this is typeset:


the result is:

(Foo, 1983)
Foo, B. (1983). Title of the paper. In Title of the paper., Booktitle. Author.

I would expect:

(Foo, 1983)
Foo, B. (1983). Title of the paper. In Booktitle, p. 34–39.

or something similar.

I can reproduce it with ConTeXt from TeX Live 2021 and the current LMTX.
Is it a bug?


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