Merry Xmas to all of you.

I'm now back at work. Last week I had some time for talking to people about
ntop. I have realised that the project is now too big to be handled as it is
now. Basically, there are a lot of bugs, multiple platforms, different users
(skilled, not skilled, contributors, students).

All I have done so far is an update of the home page. It is now divided in
several sections and it should be easier to read. Nevertheless it's not yet
nice as I would like it to be. Please contribute.

In the meantime I've played a bit with RT
(, a web-based trouble-ticketing system. My
opinion is that a trouble ticketing system is required: there are too many
issues open and I need to track them. On the other hand, everyone who
reports a problem is now responsible for the reported problem. RT looks nice
but I'm not too sure whether it's the solution. In fact, I've seen that most
of the OS projects moved to that offers several interesting
tools including CVS, bug tracking etc (I'm not totally in favour of moving
CVS from due to connection speed reasons).

What I would like to know is the following: does it make sense to keep ntop
homegrown as it is today, or we should move it to sourceforge?

Many thanks for your opinion.

Cheers, Luca

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