it looks you're using an old bugged version of ntop. Please fetch the
latest version from http://www.ntop.org via CVS or

If you want to change the admin password select the admin menu -> users
select the pen icon and have fun.

Cheers, Luca

"Edward W. Gronka" wrote:
> I have tried it out on a Solaris 8 machine and it looks great except when I
> go to the Admin part on the browser and try some of the things their it will
> give me a core dump.  Also how do you change the password for admin.
> Also what versions of Solaris should it work for since it has problems on
> Solaris 2.5.1.
> Thanks
> Ed Gronka

Luca Deri                Telecom Italia IT
Via Matteucci 34/B       56124 Pisa, Italy.
Ph. +39/050/968.639      Fax. +39/050/968.626
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://luca.ntop.org/
ICQ: 68183632
Software is about stuff, about getting hands dirty - Jim Coplien

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