you'll get an US flag because the US flag is associated with .com. If
you have a nokia flag, please put into the same directory
where ntop stores the flags.

Cheers, Luca

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ext [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 19. March 2001 12:09
> > Subject: Why US flag?
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm using ntop 2.0.0 on solaris 8 and I have a quick question:
> > why the hosts belonging to the local network, and all the hosts
> > shown only by IP address are marked with a US flag?
> > Why don't use e.g. a smile for local hosts? :-)
> >
> > Again about differentiating local/non-local hosts: how about to add
> > a switch or a separate menu item to show only local hosts
> > (at least in the first column of data traffic reports)?
> >
> > BTW: what browser do you prefer to access ntop data?
> > To me it seems that the old Netscape 4.7 (on NT platform)
> > cannot manage with long host tables and it hangs.
> > Netscape 6.0 is better.
> >
> I've to add a couple of corrections to my previous message.
> First of all, I was wrong, the unresolved IP addresses don't get any flag!
> Second, I run ntop in a .com company, so maybe that's the reason
> I got the US flag for my local machines, but anyway why don't
> use a separate symbol for them?
> Cheers
> --
> Massimo Gais
> Nokia Networks
> #include <disclaimer.h>

Luca Deri                Telecom Italia IT
Via Matteucci 34/B       56124 Pisa, Italy.
Ph. +39/050/968.639      Fax. +39/050/968.626
ICQ: 68183632
Software is about stuff, about getting hands dirty - Jim Coplien

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