On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 01:29:12PM -0500, Burton M. Strauss III wrote:
> Wipe the directory and start over - it's corrupted on your host, as there's
> no such thing as rrdAlarmPlugin.c in the baseline cvs.
> -----Burton
I did that, and got the same exact error. Nothin more than rm -rf
AAABBBCCC; mkdir AAABBBCCC; cd AAABBBCCC; export CVS....; cvs login ...
; cvs checkout ntop; cd ntop; ./configure --prefix=/opt/ntop/; make

BTW how do i turn the FILEDESCRIPTOR workaround define?


    Claudio "thefly" Martella
    GNU/PG keyid: 0x8EA95625

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