
Thanks for the info I was able to fire up the beast fired up :D However I still have a few problems..

I ran command

#ntop -dw a.b.c.d:3000

woo hoo it works! The problem with this is it's not using the config file at all, it's running out of /var/db/ntop as nobody when it should be running from /usr/local/ntop as ntop. Also when I log into a.b.c.d:3000 it doesn't prompt for a user or password so anyone can view the stats. When I try to run

# sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntop.sh start

it acts like it works however

#ps -aux

does not list ntop. Not sure what I am missing but I do feel a lot closer :D

Joey T.

Burton M. Strauss III wrote:

Normally, I'd suggest you contact the idiot who provided the
ntop-3.0-freebsdports.tgz file, except that it's me.  And that's EXACTLY
what I use on Owl, my development test box under both 4.9 and 5.2...  So I
know it works...


Assuming you don't have a fancy -w option, ntop should bind to all available
IPs on port 3000.  -w 3000 means port 3000 on all interfaces, -w
a.b.c.d:3000 would be port 3000 on ONLY ip a.b.c.d

I would:

1. Use ps to make sure the base ntop process is still running.

2. Read through the log file and see if there are any startup error
messages.  There's a lot of stuff in here about the entire process.  You may
want to add -t 4 to see it all.

3. Use netstat -a to check if ntop is bound to port 3000

4. Try another browser.

5. Make sure you are sending a legal request - ntop checks the input pretty
aggressively and if you send an illegal request will lock you out for approx
5 minutes.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joey
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 5:04 AM
Subject: [Ntop] ntop freebsd 5.2 web access not working

I am currently not able to connect via the web browser to the site on port 3000. Here is the steps I followed.

I download ntop for freebsd from sourceforge.net/projects/ntop/


and installed with the normal commands

# make
# make install

once I was done I ran the configure options

# /usr/local/bin/ntop @/usr/local/etc/ntop/ntop.conf -A

setup my password

Then copied my config file over to the correct dir.  The only changes I
made to the config file was  the network device and changed the
directory for the files

--interface fxp0
--db-file-path /usr/local/ntop

I then ran command

#chown ntop /usr/local/ntop

after that I ran command

# sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntop.sh start

and it fired up with no errors.

I then tried to access via the browser and no luck.  I get the following
error from mozilla "The connection was refused when attempting to
contact domain.com:3000."

The box I installed ntop on has several IP's bound to network card and I
has several different domains pointing to the box.  I have tried every
IP:3000, and domain.com:3000 to access and no luck.   I am not sure if I
am missing anything on this?

Thanks for taking your time to read through this, any help is
appreciated :D

Joey T.
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