IP -> Summary -> Internet Domain.  Could also define a "network flow",
but stick with the Internet Domain groupings if they're work for you.

As for your second question, that's a little more tricky. Real-time
details are easy, and historic general info is easy; historic detailed
info NOT easy.  Suzie Slacker downloaded x Bytes within this time period
(last 24 hours) no prob.  Suzie is downloading at 1.5 Mb/s from facebook
right now - no problem.  What sites was Suzie Slacka$$ at 4 hours ago
and how much bandwidth was she using at that time to each site?  GOOD
LUCK :)  You MIGHT be able to get this with some tweaking, but I don't
know exactly how off the top of my head, and my gut tells me it would be
a major effort.  MAYBE if you configure rrd to log at the highest level
of detail and enable sticky hosts, but be prepared to have substantial
memory and disk space.


-----Original Message-----
Jason Perlman
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 1:21 PM
To: Ntop@unipi.it
Subject: [Ntop] display top level domain groups

I'm a NTOP newbie and I am in the dark on how to get ntop to aggregate
information to one domain.
For instance I notice that under 

Network Activity: All Hosts - Data ReceivedI have multiple entries for
facebook i.e.

Is there a way to set NTOP to combine it down to just domain_name.com?
My second question is how can i easily associated a particular user
using a certain amount of bandwidth to a individual site.

i.e Suzie Slacker downloaded 1.2GB from youtube in the last 4 hours.

Thanks in advance

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