If the NAT process is not application aware, and therefore can't
distinguish DNS from any other UDP app, it will be subject to the
session timeout for UDP.  Check your router options and see if it has
setting specific to DNS timeouts.  If not, maybe lower the general UDP
timeouts so the stale ones don't stay in the table as long.

Also, your router may have session/NAT limits you can adjust to ensure
these 20 users don't DoS your router's NAT resources.


-----Original Message-----
Bigras, Guy
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:24 AM
To: ntop@unipi.it
Subject: [Ntop] Hosts Summary Information - Port Usage

Hi there,

I'm noticing a lot of dynamic nat bindings at my internet router ( 4000
out of a maximum of 8000).  This router services a small school with
about 20 users.  The school uses its own router that is natting.  The
majority of the nat bindings belong to that school's nat router.  So I
don't have any visibility past their router.

On the host info page of their router, Ntop is showing that the domain
port 53 usage is 2754/130.2 Kbytes and http port 80 is at 1492/2.0
Mbytes.  I guessing the first number represents the number of open
sessions ?  Why so many ??? With only 20 users (not simultaneous I'm
sure) ??

I have had host warnings before (yellow flag) showing that there were a
lot of host contacts ( over 1200).   I just can't believe so many dns
sessions are required and why they stay open so long.  Is this an
indication of P2P traffic or worm/virus infestation(s) ??

Using ntop version : 3.3.5


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