I'm running NTop 3.3.9 on Fedora 10 and encountering a problem I've seen one 
other person complain about. It looks like a bug to me. NTop appears to collect 
data and analyze it just fine, but within a few minutes of browsing it I start 
getting blank screens back instead of HTML. I've tried Firefox and Explorer, 
and both HTTPS and HTTP, and get the same lockout every time. If I wait about 
tenmintues, it lets me back it. At the same time the system logs "clearing 
lockout for addresss xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". "Here's the log right at the point of 
failure. Up to this point nothing unusual has been recorded:

29 20:51:50 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   **ERROR** URL security: 
 rejected (code=4)(client=
Dec 29 20:51:50 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   **ERROR** Rejected request from address (it previously sent ntop a bad request)
Dec 29 20:51:50 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   **ERROR** Rejected request from address (it previously sent ntop a bad request)
Dec 29 20:51:50 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   **ERROR** Rejected request from address (it previously sent ntop a bad request)
Dec 29 20:51:50 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   **ERROR** Rejected request from address (it previously sent ntop a bad request)

**ERROR** URL securityDec 29 21:00:45 nprobe1 ntop[4806]:   clearing lockout 
for address

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