Since you'll be compiling anyway, check out the tweaks in globals-defines.h. .  
 Lots of options that may benefit you!

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri Jun 12 06:36:19 2009
Subject: Re: [Ntop] Save Ntop data to MySQL?

On Friday 12 June 2009 01:31:14 pm Gary Gatten wrote:
> I haven't looked at this too closely, but I think there's a configure flag
> you have to set.  Run ./configure -h and check the options.

Ah, that could be it, it does say "MySQL support: No". I'm using a prebuild 
rpm from openSuse, it could be they did not compile MySQL support. I'll try 
compiling it myself, thanks.

Best regards,

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