I have a TS-659 Pro II home and at work.  I've used them for SMB (AD 
authentication) and ISCSI targets.  I just moved iSCSI off the one at work now 
that we have another EQ.  It's mainly used as a backup target now and for any 
kind of bulk storage users need.  I still use the one at home for my VMWare 
iSCSI target and file storage.  One NIC dedicated to iSCSI traffic and the 
other to LAN.  Also use the built in twonkey media server for streaming movies 
to google tv devices, etc.  The latest firmware totally re-did the dashboard.  
It's much faster.  I would suggest you get a model with an intel CPU, it's a 
significant speed increase.  Even with browsing files.  And make sure you pick 
HD's off their compatibility list.

-----Original Message-----
From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com [mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On 
Behalf Of Ben Scott
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 1:07 PM
To: ntsysadm@lists.myitforum.com
Subject: [NTSysADM] NAS SMB server (QNAP?)


  Anyone here used the QNAP appliances as an SMB file server ("Windows File 
Sharing") in an Active Directory environment?  How'd it go?

  (Not as an iSCSI target or other block-level protocol.)


  I'm looking for what will basically be a network-attached disk drive.  
Non-critical file storage for things like ISO images, hard disk images, 
archives of old user files, installation sources, that sort of thing.  SMB will 
be the protocol.  Clients will be Win 7, XP, and that one Win 2000 computer I 
just can't get rid of.  Permissions will be pretty simple, basically a couple 
of groups, read-only/read-write/none, pull from and authenticate to our Active 
Directory.  No interest in running any applications on the box, nor doing 
anything more than file copies to/from it.  We're not going to be running 
application off it (unless you count installers).  No block level protocols 
like iSATA, ATA-over-Ethernet, etc.  Hardware will be twin mirrored 4TB disks, 
maybe a third sometimes gets attached to make an offline backup.  Rack mount.

  One option would be a Dell R210-II running CentOS Linux, Linux kernel 
software RAID, Samba, etc.  I've done that before.  It works.

  But management here is concerned that good Linux people are harder to find 
than Windows people.  They don't like that my minions don't have expertise with 
such systems.  So I'm considering something that comes with a bit more 
hand-holding, a bit more "ready-to-go, out-of-the-box".  And NAS hardware can 
be cheaper than general-purpose server hardware.

  Specifically, I'm looking at the QNAP TS-412U.  Four bays, what looks like a 
decent web UI, claims to do Active Directory integration.
 All sorts of flashy bells and whistles we'll never use, but oh well.
It's significantly cheaper than most rack-mount general-purpose servers will 
be.  But if their SMB stuff is borken (I presume they're using Samba, but how 
you configure Samba matters a lot), it's no good to me.

  Thoughts/suggestions/experiences/etc. welcomed.

-- Ben

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