get-childitem c:\temp\* |select -expandproperty lastAccessTime|get-date 
-Format g

Christopher Bodnar 
Enterprise Architect I, Corporate Office of Technology:Enterprise 
Architecture and Engineering Services 
Tel 610-807-6459 
3900 Burgess Place, Bethlehem, PA 18017 

The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America 

From:   James Rankin <>
Date:   12/10/2013 06:29 AM
Subject:        [NTSysADM] PowerShell is my weakness....
Sent by:

I'm trying to compare the date/time stamps of two folders (including all 
the included files and subfolders). So far, this seems to do the trick

get-childitem c:\users\me\test\* | select -expandproperty lastaccesstime

but the problem is it pumps out the date in a long format - how can I get 
it to be a short format so I can easily compare the two?


James Rankin 
Technical Consultant (ACA, CCA, MCTS)

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