
Might take some reading but it looks like an option for us


Nigel Parker

Systems Engineer

Ultraframe (UK) Ltd

Tel:   01200 452329

Fax:   01200 452201




[] On Behalf Of James Rankin
Sent: 24 January 2014 08:29
Subject: Re: [NTSysADM] Wireless access points


Proxy auto-config (PAC) files are ideal for this situation


On 24 January 2014 08:26, Nigel Parker <>

We have some issue here were
Reps will take a machine and use Free WIFI spots, the company permit
this but...

When they connect, they complain they cant use the internet and even
there vpn clients refuse connection even though they are connected to
the Free wifi, after further investigation its seems this happen

They connect to a free hotel wifi
However this is a connection that permits them to connect to a holding
page via a browser and they then have to enter further information,
sometimes the wifi connection prompts that further information ios
required to use the wifi spot.

Now there internet clients are set to use a proxy server for internet
access and of course this blocked them from being able to access even
the holding or landing page to enter further information

(same happens if they use there phones to connect from a remote location
(mix of android and apple devices)

What I would like to do is find a way when they are OFF our network to
disable the proxy settings in internet explorer

Servers 2003 server
Clients mix of Windows XP (yes I know but we are still testing software
to permit them to move to windows 7)
Windows 7

Internet explorer is there browser versions are from 8 upwards

I was going to go in with a lowtech approach and maybe run a batch file
that mapps a drive and looks for a file
If it fails the assumption is that they are off the network and disables
proxy settings

I have already found a setting in AD to turn on or off the firewall if
they are on or off our network and this seems to work well

However I need to find a way to ensure if they are on standby that when
the machine wakes it knows if it is on or off the company network, is
there a way to do this, without user intervention?

Does anyone have a better idea
Total spend on this project of course would be ZERO, :-(

Nigel Parker
Systems Engineer
Ultraframe (UK) Ltd
Tel:   01200 452329
Fax:   01200 452201

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James Rankin
RCL - Senior Technical Consultant (ACA, CCA, MCTS) | The Virtualization
Practice Analyst - Desktop Virtualization

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