
I'm re-doing the DFSR config for the file servers in our US and AU
offices. The US has a bunch of directories that will be replicated to
AU (but not back). No big deal, but the PowerShell script I'm writing
is killing me. I don't know if I'm running into a time out problem, or
what it might be.

I'm running the script from Redmond on my laptop.

Here's the script, which should Just Work(tm):
   $NewDFSR = import-csv -Delimiter "`t" c:\Batchfiles\data\NewDFSR.csv

   New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName US2AU-Engineering
   $GroupName = Get-DfsReplicationGroup US2AU-Engineering

   Foreach ($Line in $NewDFSR)
    $GroupName = $Line.GroupName
    $SourceComputer = $Line.SourceComputer
    $FolderName = $Line.FolderName
    $SourceContentPath = $Line.SourceContentPath
    $SourceStagingPathQuotaInMB = $Line.SourceStagingPathQuotaInMB
    $SourcePrimaryMember =
    $DestinationComputer = $Line.DestinationComputer
    $DestinationContentPath = $Line.DestinationContentPath
    $DestinationReadOnly =

    New-DfsReplicatedFolder -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName
    Add-DfsrMember -GroupName $GroupName -ComputerName
$SourceComputer, $DestinationComputer
    Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName $GroupName -SourceComputerName
$SourceComputer -DestinationComputerName $DestinationComputer
    Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName
-ComputerName $SourceComputer -ContentPath $SourceContentPath
-PrimaryMember $SourcePrimaryMember -StagingPathQuotaInMB
$SourceStagingPathQuotaInMB -Force
    Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName
-ComputerName $DestinationComputer -ContentPath
$DestinationContentPath -ReadOnly $DestinationReadOnly -Force

But it fails the Add-DfsrMember command, when trying to add the AU file server:
   Add-DfsrMember : Could not add the computer to the replication
group. Computer: ZAUFS01P Replication group: "US2AU-Engineering" The
remote procedure call failed
   At C:\BatchFiles\New-DfsrConfiguration.ps1:19 char:2
   +     Add-DfsrMember -GroupName $GroupName -ComputerName $SourceCompute ...
   +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (ZAUFS01P:String)
[Add-DfsrMember], DfsrException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId :

However, if I RDP to that file server, I see this, which to me
indicates that it *is* listening:
   C:\Windows\system32>winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
   Listener [Source="GPO"]
       Address = *
       Transport = HTTP
       Port = 5985
       Enabled = true
       URLPrefix = wsman
       ListeningOn =,, ::1, fe80::a9e7:6f85:8115:b4ed%16

Heck, I even stood up wireshark on my laptop, from which I'm running
this script, and see traffic to that server, though I can't quite
figure out the conversation - but I have a 48kb capture file detailing
the transaction for the attempted configuration of a single directory,
if anyone wants that.


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