Our domain has been promoted from NT4 to 2003, 2008 R2 and 2012R2, and we
now have a DC at 2016.

Someone, before I got here, disabled the Administrator account and renamed
it, which is kind of silly, but I've never felt the need to rename it back
to Administrator.

There are 4 DA accounts, one for each member of my team, they are separate
from our non-privileged user, workstation administration and our server
administrator accounts.

Our DA passwords are covered by the same FGPP as our user accounts,
requiring complexity, 16+ characters, change every 365 days. I'd like to
set the elevated privilege account password expirations shorter, but I'd
get a lot of pushback from the team, so I can't get away with it.

I agree with MBS that if the Administrator account hasn't been disabled it
should have a max length password that is kept securely

Service accounts are not DAs - they get whatever privileges are necessary,
and only that.

We use a product from Thycotic which, in an edition that's more
featureful/expensive than what we have, can manage services accounts and
change the passwords for you. There are similar offerings from other

Also, Active Directory has MSAs (Managed Service Accounts) and GMSAs,
(Group Managed Service Accounts) which you should investigate - but I
haven't had a chance to implement them, so can't comment much further.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 9:00 AM, David McSpadden <dav...@imcu.com> wrote:

> I know we have LAPS for local admins.
> What is everyone doing for domain admin account passwords management and
> compliance?
> We are being asked to change passwords every 90 days and most of the
> domain admins are service accounts?
> So…what does everyone else do to automate/management this?
> *David McSpadden*
> Systems Administrator
> Indiana Members Credit Union
> P: 317.554.8190 <(317)%20554-8190>| F: 317.554.8106 <(317)%20554-8106>
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