Most of my engagements today come because of social media. ☺

And then repeat business, of course.

From: Rod Trent []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:39 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: OT: Career and Social Media

My last two jobs have come about because of social media.

From: Sam Cayze []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:12 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: OT: Career and Social Media

“With social media you might not have to look for a new job, it might find you”

Spot on.  Lately I’m always having recruiters and companies reach out to me for 
hire.  I always ask how they find me, and they always say social media or 
internet presence.  I haven’t published my resume anywhere (Heck, hardly even 
active on LinkedIn and it’s not that up to date.  My Facebook is strictly 
personal – but I do keep a ‘clean’ presence on it).

Several great offers have come my way.

I take it as a sign the IT hiring is really picking up too.


From: David Lum []
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 8:43 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: OT: Career and Social Media

In case you haven’t noticed, privacy is becoming history. The current young 
generation by and large expects to be able to find out where there friends and 
family are, where they eat and shop, and where they work, and they also have no 
problems sharing their own information with people. As these people become 
older and enter the corporate world, they will expect to know quite a bit about 
you whether or not your resume is any good, and they will likely influence 
company rules…

The added twist is just by having family on social media, your information 
becomes public “I went to my dad’s 40th birthday party yesterday, not too far 
from the house he was born in”. Presto, your age, date and place of birth given 
up in one sentence by someone else.

In many ways I see keeping privacy in the same vein as not having a car or a 
phone. You can do it, but it takes a concerted effort and a specific lifestyle 
to pull it off. (Oddly, I didn’t have this view until I went to a lunch/seminar 
that was all about security yesterday!).

I’m sure when those first came out there were people who said “who needs such a 
thing!”. I went without a smartphone longer than many folks, but to be 
relevant/competitive in my field it became necessary to get one (although I 
still turn off location services except for the specific times I need them) and 
I am better off for it as it saves me a lot of time vs. if I were to be without 

Heck cellphones are now being used to inform different service providers 
traffic densities, average speeds, etc. so their mapping software can tell you 
how to avoid traffic. Big brother is here, the difference is it’s not like The 
Truman Show because the participants are also getting the benefits of said 

With social media you might not have to look for a new job, it might find you. 
I can see in a few years the conversation being “Remember when we had so send 
resume’s out? How lame!”.

That Dilbert is spot-on whether we like it or not.

From: Kurt Buff []
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 7:51 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OT: Career and Social Media


I do not have a facebook account, nor any other social media account other than 

Work and personal life are as separate as I can make them.

Social media is a time stealer and a privacy invader.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Jon Harris 
<<>> wrote:
I am glad I am getting close to the end of my career.  I really dislike using 
things like Facebook for anything more than keeping in touch with 
family/friends.  LinkedIN is about the only "social media" I use for business.  
I like to keep the two very separate from each other.


Subject: RE: OT: Career and Social Media
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:49:52 +0000

I can attest to that.  My last two jobs have come because social media.

Sent from Microsoft Surface Pro

From: Andrew S. Baker
Sent: ‎March‎ ‎21‎, ‎2013 ‎6‎:‎38‎ ‎PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Career and Social Media

This is the new reality, folks.  You don't have to embrace it, but to fight it 
going to be
career limiting

Within 5 years, it will be a major factor in employment...

Who knows about you is becoming as important as what you know.


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