Do they also say to use the clutch to slow the car down when going downhill 
because they want to save the brakes?  I mean brakes are more expensive then 
clutch replacements right?
 Steven Peck From:
Subject: RE: UPS vs Switch Sanity Check
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 18:27:31 +0000

Have them set the UPS units to turn themselves off when the battery level gets 
below a specified threshold. They should have complete control over this. 

Also, are you not creating a chance for the switches to be damaged by the 
various power surges. Sometimes the power company will have a on/off/on/off/on
 cycle in power.  Thus doing the same thing to your switches. This is not good 
for them. But, you can set the UPS units to be at a certain battery level 
before they will turn back on.  Thus, you can protect your switches, and the 
UPS units.
This is what they are there for - use them.

From: Mayo, Bill []

Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 8:53 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues

Subject: UPS vs Switch Sanity Check

I am in the midst of a debate with the folks who support our UPS’s, and would 
appreciate some input. The situation was thus: We were notified of an extended 
power outage (6 hours) by our utility provider at a couple of our locations.  At
 these locations we have wiring closets with switches (up to 3, in this case) 
that are plugged into an APC UPS.  The “UPS people” wanted to go and turn off 
the UPS’s and move the power of the switches over to a regular old surge 
suppressor.  Their reason for
 this was because they contend that allowing the batteries to completely drain 
will damage them.  They also contended that the off the shelf surge suppressor 
was sufficient to protect the switches from power spikes.  My contention is 
that the switches are more
 valuable than the UPS’s and need the protection that a real UPS affords, 
especially at a time where we know the power may fluctuate (spike, brownout) or 
blink repeatedly.
I tried to do some research on whether there was any veracity to the claim 
about damage to drained batteries and have turned up some conflicting 
information.  FA157446 at APC’s site seems the most authoritative and says they 
will be OK
 as long as recharged within 72 hours, but I have read other comments that 
suggest that a total discharge will damage a UPS-type battery.
What I really want is a sanity check.  Is there really something to the UPS 
battery thing and I am being overly dramatic about the surge suppressor, or 
would you agree that you’d rather risk damaging the UPS (if that is even 
 than the equipment behind it?
Bill Mayo

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