Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EmployeeNumber ...


From: Candee []
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: PowerShell noob help

the problem is getting it in the array.
I tried this at the top:
$createdusers = @()
$employeenumber = @()

and then this at the end, but no matter what I user, I can't get it to export.
I know I'm not doing it right, but I *think* I'm on the right track.

$employeenumber += employeenumber

              $createdusers += $Newuser
"C:\temp\scripts\Epicor_export.csv" -notype
              $employeenumber |select employeenumber |export-csv 
"C:\temp\scripts\empnum.csv" -notype

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Guyer, Don 
<<>> wrote:
I'm a PS noob myself but, trying to learn so excuse me if I'm wrong 
but...........wouldn't the column heading be "employeegui"?



Don Guyer
Catholic Health East - Information Technology
Enterprise Directory & Messaging Services
3805 West Chester Pike, Suite 100, Newtown Square, Pa  19073
Office:  610.550.3595<tel:610.550.3595> | Cell: 610.955.6528<tel:610.955.6528> 
| Fax: 610.271.9440<tel:610.271.9440>
For immediate assistance, please open a Service Desk ticket or call the 
helpdesk @ 610-492-3839<tel:610-492-3839>.
[Description: Description: Description: InfoService-Logo240]

From: Candee [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:48 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: PowerShell noob help

nah, I tried that. The column heading is employeenumber, but no data is 
I have to add the attribute to the $creatednames array somehow.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Guyer, Don 
<<>> wrote:
Wouldn't you just change "$createdusers|select 
name,displayname,email|export-csv "C:\temp\scripts\Epicor_export.csv" -notype" 
"$createdusers|select name,displayname,employeenumber,email|export-csv 
"C:\temp\scripts\Epicor_export.csv" -notype"?


Don Guyer
Catholic Health East - Information Technology
Enterprise Directory & Messaging Services
3805 West Chester Pike, Suite 100, Newtown Square, Pa  19073
Office:  610.550.3595<tel:610.550.3595> | Cell: 610.955.6528<tel:610.955.6528> 
| Fax: 610.271.9440<tel:610.271.9440>
For immediate assistance, please open a Service Desk ticket or call the 
helpdesk @ 610-492-3839<tel:610-492-3839>.
[Description: Description: Description: InfoService-Logo240]

From: Candee [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:46 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: PowerShell noob help

I will see if I can figure out how.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Michael B. Smith 
<<>> wrote:
I don't use the QAD tools, but my guess is that New-QadUser does not return 
employeeNumber as one of the attributes of the resulting object.  You would 
need to add that.

From: Candee [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:37 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: PowerShell noob help

Okay you guys...
here it is; credit card numbers changed to protect the innocent.

Any advice is appreciated - I can take it. Really.
When it's done it sends the logs and newusers file to me.
Thanks all!

#Import from HR
#Create SAM, UPN
#modified 4/16/2013 - CDV

Import-module activedirectory
add-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement
$newusers = "C:\temp\scripts\newusers_ver2.csv"
$date = Get-Date

#Exchange database for new mailboxes
$userdb = "ops"

#specify path to save log file
$logpath = "C:\temp\scripts\Error.logs"

#parent container for all new users
$OU = 'ourdomain.local/organization/internal/us/greene/newusers'

#create password
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -asplaintext R@ym0nd!! -Force

#Set Domain Controller
Set-ADServerSettings -PreferredServer usnygrds01.ourdomain.local

#Set Domain root
$DNSROOT = '@'+"<>"

Start-Transcript C:\temp\scripts\Epicor_Import.logs -append
$createdusers = @()
Import-Csv $newusers |foreach {
$preferredfirstname = $_.preferredfirstname
$lastnamepreferred = $_.lastnamepreferred
$SAM = $preferredfirstname.substring(0,1)+$lastnamepreferred
$UPN = $preferredfirstname +"."+$lastnamepreferred+$DNSROOT
$Displayname = $lastnamepreferred +" "+$preferredfirstname
$Email = $UPN
$testemail = get-recipient -identity $email -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$user = Get-QADUser -SamAccountName $SAM

if($user -ne $Null) {


$($ already exists -

} Elseif ($testemail -ne $Null) {

$($DISPLAYNAME) Email address already exists


Creating a new user account for $($DISPLAYNAME)"

$NewUser = New-qaduser -name $SAM `
-parentcontainer $OU `
-userprincipalname $UPN `
-samaccountname $SAM `
-displayname $displayname `
-mail $email `
-givenname $_.preferredfirstname`
-sn $_.lastnamepreferred `
-userPassword $pass `
-company $_.Company `
-department $_.department -title $_.businesscardtitle -telephonenumber 
$_.telephone `
-city $ -postalcode $ -state $_.state `
-streetaddress $_.street -manager $_.manager `

start-sleep -s 10

if($_.mailenabled -eq 'true') {
"Creating a mailbox for $($"
$Newuser |foreach-object {enable-mailbox -identity $ -database 
$userdb } `
}Else {
"User does not require Email"

}#end of mailenabled

}#end of create new user
$createdusers += $Newuser
$createdusers|select name,displayname,email|export-csv 
"C:\temp\scripts\Epicor_export.csv" -notype


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Webster 
<<>> wrote:
That is why you publish your code so others can use it and help you refine it.

Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional<>

From: James Rankin [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 4:43 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: PowerShell noob help

Well that lil' bit of PS worked so well I did a blog post about it (naturally 
with appropriate credits)

This is about the time I will find out it doesn't work on anyone else's 
infrastructure and have to spend weeks rewriting it :-(

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