Then you will need to use a function or a filter to select the proper email 

Who do you know which ones are the right ones?

From: Heaton, Joseph@Wildlife []
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:10 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Need to create a csv through Powershell/Exchange Shell

The class is:

Automate Windows Server Administration with Powershell 2.0                 
Microsoft course #: 10325

We have a training facility here, called IS Inc.

Here's what I've found so far:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select Name -expandemailaddresses | select 

Unfortunately, that just lists everyone's e-mail addresses; all of them.  We 
have a temp address as well as the new and old addresses.  The temp address 
allows the old Groupwise system to forward mail over to the new Exchange 

The attributes I've found that I "could" use, if I go through AD, vs. Exchange:

givenName - first name
mail - e-mail address (primary, but this field is not filled out for everyone.  
It gets filled out properly when the user is migrated to Exchange)
sn - Last name

proxyAddresses - gives me all e-mail addresses, but this will include addresses 
that I don't want, as well as those that I do.

Joe Heaton
Enterprise Server Support
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
1807 13th Street, Suite 201
Sacramento, CA  95811
Desk:  (916) 323-1284

From: Candee []
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:37 AM
To: Heaton, Joseph@Wildlife; NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Need to create a csv through Powershell/Exchange Shell

You can list all smtp addresses - will that work for you?
I haven't tested it; but I found this.
What class are you going to? I'm looking for live classroom training, but it's 
difficult to find.

Get-Mailbox -Database "Mailserver\Databasename" -ResultSize Unlimited 
|Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,PrimarySmtpAddress, 
@{Name="EmailAddresses";Expression={$_EmailAddresses |Where-Object 
{$_.PrefixString -ceq "smtp"} | ForEach-Object {$_.SmtpAddress}}} | Export-Csv 

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Heaton, Joseph@Wildlife 
<<>> wrote:
I need the following information for all users in my organization:

Primary SMTP address, First Name, Last Name, Secondary smtp address

Now, I know I can get primary smtp address through Exchange Shell, but that 
looks like all I can get there.

I see that I can use the mail field in AD, but that's a field that will be 
inaccurate for a lot of my folks, since not everyone has been migrated to 
Exchange yet, so that field is either blank, or reflects their old e-mail 
address.  I know that I can also get givenName for first name, and sn for last 
name.  The secondary smtp is where I am lost, as proxyAddresses lists all smtp 
addresses, which includes a temp address for the migration efforts, in addition 
to the two that I do want.

Anyone have ideas?

I am going to a Powershell class next month, so hopefully some of that helps me 
get on track with Powershell.


Joe Heaton
Enterprise Server Support
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
1807 13th Street, Suite 201
Sacramento, CA  95811
Desk:  (916) 323-1284<tel:%28916%29%20323-1284>

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