Don't know if these articles will help or not:

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Evan Brastow

>  Hi all,
> I have a legacy application I wrote in PowerBuilder about 10 years ago that
> uses the syntax NET SEND (username) (message) to send messages to users
> (they pick the messages from a drop-down box for speed). However, since a
> certain service pack in XP as well as in Vista, this functionality no longer
> available and the service itself it gone.
> What I’m wondering is, is there anything out there that will essentially
> install a replica of the Windows Messenger service so that the same API can
> be used to send/receive popup messages? I don’t need a full-fledged
> messaging app as the messages must come from my legacy app, not be
> user-typed.
> I found something called LanTalk XP which seems like it could have worked,
> but not quite.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks so much..
> Evan**

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