Hi Fernando,

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010, Fernando Perez wrote:

2010/10/12 Stéfan van der Walt <ste...@sun.ac.za>:
- Then: merge into master, getting a fast-forward merge if possible
- Push back to github

When I have large changes that consist of several commits on a single
topic, I normally explicitly ask for a non-fast-forward merge, so that
the history is not contaminated by a whole slew of commit messages.

My rule of thumb is: one or two commits, fast-forward is OK, three or
more, I merge explicitly with --no-ff to make it easier to see them
together with their own little branch.

In case anyone is interested, we're having precisely this discussion
on ipython-dev (where we've been using DVCS for over 2 years and have
had ample opportunity to make every mistake under the sun, but now
we're quite happy with our workflow and just fine-tuning it):


Very interesting reading! I have always used tags to mark branches that were fast-forward-merged to master, but --no-ff makes it easier to see the actual branch.

Looking forward to the discussion being included in your dev docs,
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