
thank you for contributing a numpy mandelbrot program - but no thanks
for your "disqualified for doing things differently" comment here.

The benchmarks game has been showing a spectral-norm program based on
numpy as an "interesting alternative" for the last couple of years -

- simply because I thought numpy was interesting and wanted somehow to
include a numpy program without taking on the chore of dealing with a
whole bunch of numpy programs.

The relevant point isn't that your numpy program is shown as "an
interesting alternative".

The relevant point is that your numpy program is shown at all.

best wishes, Isaac

On Aug 31, 3:58 am, Dieter Weber <> wrote:
> Hi,
> just wanted to show an example of how python3 + numpy compares with just
> python3 and many other languages and language 
> implementations:
> The python3 program using numpy is #6 and you find it with the
> "interesting alternative" programs on the bottom because it was
> disqualified for doing things differently. It is 6.3x slower than the
> fastest program and well ahead of all other interpreted languages.
> Thanks to all contributors for making numpy such a great piece of
> software!
> Greetings,
> Dieter
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