On 11/2/11 7:16 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> By R compatibility, I specifically had in mind in-memory
> compatibility.

The R crowd has had a big voice in this discussion, and I understand 
that there are some nice lessons to be learned from it with regard to 
the NA issues.

However, I think making R compatibility a priority is a mistake -- numpy 
is numpy, it is NOT, nor should it be, an emulation of anything else. NA 
functionality is useful to virtually everyone -- not just folks doing 
R-like stuff, and even less so folks directly working with R.

> rpy2 provides a more-or-less seamless within-process
> interface between R and Python

Perhaps rpy2 will need to do some translating -- so be it, better than 
crippling numpy for other uses.

That being said, if the R binary format is a good one for numpy, no harm 
in using it, but I think that should be a secondary, at best, concern.

So should emulating the R API.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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