Den 18. feb. 2012 kl. 05:56 skrev Charles R Harris <>:

> But won't a C++ wrapper catch that?

A try-catch block with MSVC will register an SEH with the operating system. GCC 
(g++) implements exceptions without SEH. What happens if GCC code tries to 
catch a std::bad_alloc? Windows intervenes and sends control to a registered 
SEH. So the flow of control jumps out of GCC's hands, and goes to some catch or 
__except block set by MSVC instead. And now the stack is FUBAR... But this can 
always happen when you mix MSVC and MinGW. Even pure C code can set an SEH with 
MSVC, so it's not a C++ issue. You cannot wrap in a way that protects you from 
an intervention by the operating system. It's better to stick with MS and Intel 
compilers on Windows. MinGW code must execute in an SEH free environment.


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