On 27.07.2012, at 3:27PM, Benjamin Root wrote:

> > I would prefer not to use:  from xxx import *,
> >
> > because of the name pollution.
> >
> > The name  convention that I copied above facilitates avoiding the pollution.
> >
> > In the same spirit, I've used:
> > import pylab as plb
> But in that same spirit, using np and plt separately is preferred.
> "Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!"
> from http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/
> Absolutely correct.  The namespace pollution is exactly why we encourage 
> converts to move over from the pylab mode to separating out the numpy and 
> pyplot namespaces.  There are very subtle issues that arise when doing "from 
> pylab import *" such as overriding the built-in "any" and "all".  The only 
> real advantage of the pylab mode over separating out numpy and pyplot is 
> conciseness, which many matlab users expect at first.

It unfortunately also comes with the convenience of using the "ipython --pylab" 
mode - 
does anyone know how to turn the "import *" part of, or how to create a similar 
environment with ipython that does keep namespaces clean?


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