On 2013/01/17 4:13 AM, Pierre Haessig wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 14/01/2013 20:05, Benjamin Root a écrit :
>> I do like the way you are thinking in terms of the broadcasting
>> semantics, but I wonder if that is a bit awkward.  What I mean is, if
>> one were to use broadcasting semantics for creating an array, wouldn't
>> one have just simply used broadcasting anyway?  The point of
>> broadcasting is to _avoid_ the creation of unneeded arrays.  But maybe
>> I can be convinced with some examples.
> I feel that one of the point of the discussion is : although a new (or
> not so new...) function to create a filled array would be more elegant
> than the existing pair of functions "np.zeros" and "np.ones", there are
> maybe not so many usecases for filled arrays *other than zeros values*.
> I can remember having initialized a non-zero array *some months ago*.
> For the anecdote it was a vector of discretized vehicule speed values
> which I wanted to be initialized with a predefined mean speed value
> prior to some optimization. In that usecase, I really didn't care about
> the performance of this initialization step.
> So my overall feeling after this thread is
>   - *yes* a single dedicated fill/init/someverb function would give a
> slightly better API,
>   -  but *no* it's not important because np.empty and np.zeros covers 95
> % usecases !

I agree with your summary and conclusion.


> best,
> Pierre
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