Speaking only for myself (and as someone who has regularly used matrix
powers), I would not expect matrix power as @@ to follow from matrix
multiplication as @. I do agree that matrix power is the only reasonable
use for @@ (given @), but it's still not something I would be confident
enough to know without looking up.

We should keep in mind that each new operator imposes some (small)
cognitive burden on everyone who encounters them for the first time, and,
in this case, this will include a large fraction of all Python users,
whether they do numerical computation or not.

Guido has given us a tremendous gift in the form of @. Let's not insist on
@@, when it is unclear if the burden of figuring out what @@ means it would
be worth using, even for heavily numeric code. I would certainly prefer to
encounter norm(A), inv(A), matrix_power(A, n), fractional_matrix_power(A,
n) and expm(A) rather than their infix equivalents. It will certainly not
be obvious which of these @@ will support for objects from any given

One useful data point might be to consider whether matrix power is
available as an infix operator in other languages commonly used for
numerical work. AFAICT from some quick searches:
R: No

All of these languages do, of course, implement infix matrix
multiplication, but it is apparently not clear at all whether the matrix
power is useful.


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Olivier Delalleau <sh...@keba.be> wrote:

> 2014-03-15 11:18 GMT-04:00 Charles R Harris <charlesr.har...@gmail.com>:
>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here's the second thread for discussion about Guido's concerns about
>>> PEP 465. The issue here is that PEP 465 as currently written proposes
>>> two new operators, @ for matrix multiplication and @@ for matrix power
>>> (analogous to * and **):
>>>   http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0465/
>>> The main thing we care about of course is @; I pushed for including @@
>>> because I thought it was nicer to have than not, and I thought the
>>> analogy between * and ** might make the overall package more appealing
>>> to Guido's aesthetic sense.
>>> It turns out I was wrong :-). Guido is -0 on @@, but willing to be
>>> swayed if we think it's worth the trouble to make a solid case.
>>> Note that question now is *not*, how will @@ affect the reception of
>>> @. @ itself is AFAICT a done deal, regardless of what happens with @@.
>>> For this discussion let's assume @ can be taken for granted, and that
>>> we can freely choose to either add @@ or not add @@ to the language.
>>> The question is: which do we think makes Python a better language (for
>>> us and in general)?
>>> Some thoughts to start us off:
>>> Here are the interesting use cases for @@ that I can think of:
>>> - 'vector @@ 2' gives the squared Euclidean length (because it's the
>>> same as vector @ vector). Kind of handy.
>>> - 'matrix @@ n' of course gives the matrix power, which is of marginal
>>> use but does come in handy sometimes, e.g., when looking at graph
>>> connectivity.
>>> - 'matrix @@ -1' provides a very transparent notation for translating
>>> textbook formulas (with all their inverses) into code. It's a bit
>>> unhelpful in practice, because (a) usually you should use solve(), and
>>> (b) 'matrix @@ -1' is actually more characters than 'inv(matrix)'. But
>>> sometimes transparent notation may be important. (And in some cases,
>>> like using numba or theano or whatever, 'matrix @@ -1 @ foo' could be
>>> compiled into a call to solve() anyway.)
>>> (Did I miss any?)
>>> In practice it seems to me that the last use case is the one that's
>>> might matter a lot practice, but then again, it might not -- I'm not
>>> sure. For example, does anyone who teaches programming with numpy have
>>> a feeling about whether the existence of '@@ -1' would make a big
>>> difference to you and your students? (Alan? I know you were worried
>>> about losing the .I attribute on matrices if switching to ndarrays for
>>> teaching -- given that ndarray will probably not get a .I attribute,
>>> how much would the existence of @@ -1 affect you?)
>>> On a more technical level, Guido is worried about how @@'s precedence
>>> should work (and this is somewhat related to the other thread about
>>> @'s precedence and associativity, because he feels that if we end up
>>> giving @ and * different precedence, then that makes it much less
>>> clear what to do with @@, and reduces the strength of the */**/@/@@
>>> analogy). In particular, if we want to argue for @@ then we'll need to
>>> figure out what expressions like
>>>    a @@ b @@ c
>>> and
>>>    a ** b @@ c
>>> and
>>>    a @@ b ** c
>>> should do.
>>> A related question is what @@ should do if given an array as its right
>>> argument. In the current PEP, only integers are accepted, which rules
>>> out a bunch of the more complicated cases like a @@ b @@ c (at least
>>> assuming @@ is right-associative, like **, and I can't see why you'd
>>> want anything else). OTOH, in the brave new gufunc world, it
>>> technically would make sense to define @@ as being a gufunc with
>>> signature (m,m),()->(m,m), and the way gufuncs work this *would* allow
>>> the "power" to be an array -- for example, we'd have:
>>>    mat = randn(m, m)
>>>    pow = range(n)
>>>    result = gufunc_matrix_power(mat, pow)
>>>    assert result.shape == (n, m, m)
>>>    for i in xrange(n):
>>>        assert np.all(result[i, :, :] == mat ** i)
>>> In this case, a @@ b @@ c would at least be a meaningful expression to
>>> write. OTOH it would be incredibly bizarre and useless, so probably
>>> no-one would ever write it.
>>> As far as these technical issues go, my guess is that the correct rule
>>> is that @@ should just have the same precedence and the same (right)
>>> associativity as **, and in practice no-one will ever write stuff like
>>> a @@ b @@ c. But if we want to argue for @@ we need to come to some
>>> consensus or another here.
>>> It's also possible the answer is "ugh, these issues are too
>>> complicated, we should defer this until later when we have more
>>> experience with @ and gufuncs and stuff". After all, I doubt anyone
>>> else will swoop in and steal @@ to mean something else! OTOH, if e.g.
>>> there's a strong feeling that '@@ -1' will make a big difference in
>>> pedagogical contexts, then putting that off for years might be a
>>> mistake.
>> I don't have a strong feeling either way on '@@' . Matrix inverses are
>> pretty common in matrix expressions, but I don't know that the new operator
>> offers much advantage over a function call. The positive integer powers
>> might be useful in some domains, as others have pointed out, but
>> computational practice one would tend to factor the evaluation.
>> Chuck
> Personally I think it should go in, because:
> - it's useful (although marginally), as in the examples previously
> mentioned
> - it's what people will expect
> - it's the only reasonable use of @@ once @ makes it in
> As far as the details about precedence rules and what not... Yes, someone
> should think about them and come up with rules that make sense, but since
> it will be pretty much only be used in unambiguous situations, this
> shouldn't be a blocker.
> -=- Olivier
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