On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Alexander Belopolsky <ndar...@mac.com>

> Since Guido hates leap seconds, PEP 495 is silent on this issue, but
> strictly speaking UTC leap seconds are "folds."   AFAICT, a strictly POSIX
> system must repeat the same value of time_t when a leap second is
> inserted.  While datetime will never extend the second field to
 allow second=60, with PEP 495, it is now possible to represent 23:59:60 as

Thanks -- If anyhone decides to actually get arond to leap seconds suport
in numpy datetime, se can decide whether to do folds or allow second: 60.

Off the top of my head, I think allowing a 60th second makes more sense --
jsut like we do leap years. Granted, external systems often don't
understand/allow a 60th second, but they generally don't understand a fold
bit, either....


> Apart from leap seconds, there is no need to use "fold" on datetimes that
> represent time in UTC or any timezone at a fixed offset from utc.
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