On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Marten van Kerkwijk
<m.h.vankerkw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chuck, others,
> A propos __numpy_ufunc__, what is the current status? Is it still the
> undetermined result of the monster-thread
> (https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5844 -- just found it again by
> sorting by number of comments...)?

Yeah, that's about where everyone collapsed in exhaustion last time :-).

> As noted by Stephan and myself when the decision was made to remove it from
> 1.10, for external libraries it would be really wonderful to have *any*
> version of __numpy_ufunc__ in 1.11, as it provides great beneifts (instant
> factor 2 improvement in speed for astropy quantities...). In the end, the
> proposals were not that different, and, really, what is in current master is
> quite good.

I think everyone's agreed that having __numpy_ufunc__ is a great
thing; the problem is sorting out the details, which is work that
takes some time and attention.

At this point I think it's extremely unlikely that that time and
attention will be mustered in time for 1.11, just because like Chuck
says, that's 2 weeks from now, and none of us have magic wands to get
the work done. We could potentially get it into 1.11 by pushing the
release back, but that wouldn't really help anything: it wouldn't make
the work happen any sooner by the calendar; it would just delay
releasing all the other stuff that's in master.

I've also been feeling frustrated and guilty about the status of
__numpy_ufunc__; I very much want to get back to it, but have been too
far underwater from other commitments :-(.

One possible next step, if someone does have the
time/energy/motivation, would be to review the outcome of that thread
and write up a short summary of where we got to. Basically cutting out
all the back-and-forth and dead-ends to say "here are the 2-3 main
options that are still on the table, here are the details of the best
version of each, here are the trade-offs".


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org
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