On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 3:52 AM, Robert McGibbon <rmcgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I went ahead and tried to collect a list of all of the libraries that could
> be considered to constitute the "base" system for linux-64. The strategy I
> used was to leverage off the work done by the folks at Continuum by
> searching through their pre-compiled binaries from
> https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/linux-64/ to find shared libraries that
> were dependened on (according to ldd)  that were not accounted for by the
> declared dependencies that each package made known to the conda package
> manager.
> The full list of these system libraries, sorted in from
> most-commonly-depend-on to rarest, is below. There are 158 of them.
> So it's not perfect. But it might be a useful starting place.

Unfortunately, yeah, it looks like there's a lot of false positives in
here :-(. For example your list contains liblzma and libsqlite, but
both of these are shipped as dependencies of python itself. So
probably someone just forgot to declare the dependency explicitly, but
got away with it because the libraries were pulled in anyway.

Maybe a better approach would be to look at what libraries are used on
by an up-to-date default Anaconda install (on the assumption that this
is the best tested configuration), and then erase from the list all
libraries that are shipped by this configuration (ignoring declared
dependencies since those seem to be unreliable)? It's better to be
conservative here, since the end goal is to come up with a list of
external libraries that we're confident have actually been tested for
compatibility by lots and lots of different users.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org
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