On Mo, 2017-01-02 at 18:46 -0800, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Charles R Harris
> <charlesr.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Currently functions like trace use the C long type as the default
> > accumulator for integer types of lesser precision:
> > 


> Things we'd need to know more about before making a decision:
> - compatibility: if we flip this switch, how much code breaks? In
> general correct numpy-using code has to be prepared to handle
> np.dtype(int) being 64-bits, and in fact there might be more code
> that
> accidentally assumes that np.dtype(int) is always 64-bits than there
> is code that assumes it is always 32-bits. But that's theory; to know
> how bad this is we would need to try actually running some projects
> test suites and see whether they break or not.
> - speed: there's probably some cost to using 64-bit integers on 32-
> bit
> systems; how big is the penalty in practice?

I agree with trying to switch the default in general first, I don't
like the idea of having two different "defaults".

There are two issues, one is the change on Python 2 (no inheritance of
Python int by default numpy type) and any issues due to increased
precision (more RAM usage, code actually expects lower precision
somehow, etc.).
Cannot say I know for sure, but I would be extremely surprised if there
is a speed difference between 32bit vs. 64bit architectures, except the
general slowdown you get due to bus speeds, etc. when going to higher
bit width.

If the inheritance for some reason is a bigger issue, we might limit
the change to Python 3. For other possible problems, I think we may
have difficulties assessing how much is affected. The problem is, that
the most affected thing should be projects only being used on windows,
or so. Bigger projects should work fine already (they are more likely
to get better due to not being tested as well on 32bit long platforms,
especially 64bit windows).

Of course limiting the change to python 3, could have the advantage of
not affecting older projects which are possibly more likely to be
specifically using the current behaviour.

So, I would be open to trying the change, I think the idea of at least
changing it in python 3 has been brought up a couple of times,
including by Julian, so maybe it is time to give it a shot....

It would be interesting to see if anyone knows projects that may be
affected (for example because they are designed to only run on windows
or limited hardware), and if avoiding to change anything in python 2
might mitigate problems here as well (additionally to avoiding the
inheritance change)?



> -n

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