Hi all,

I've more-or-less got NUT 2.0.4 working with my Powerware Prestige
1000VA UPS (serial), but unfortunately NUT is flagging LOW_BATTERY
continuously, which is a tad embarrassing when power fails ;-)

The numbers from upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] seem reasonable:

ambient.temperature:   24.5
battery.charge: 99
battery.runtime: 3999
battery.voltage:   69.2
driver.name: bcmxcp
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
driver.version: 2.0.4
driver.version.internal: 0.10
input.frequency:   50.0
input.voltage:  239.0
output.frequency:   50.0
ups.firmware: 02.07
ups.load:   0.2
ups.model: Powerware Prestige 1000VA
ups.power.nominal: 1000
ups.serial: **********
ups.status: OL LB
ups.voltage.nominal: 240

but I suspect the 'LB' in ups.status is the clue. Does this indicate low
 battery? I'm curious as the battery charge is shown as 99% and the
battery voltage is OK (for the 5x 12V batteries is has). Could it be the
battery pack has failed self-test?

Any clues gratefully received!

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