On Jul 17, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Tilman Glotzner wrote:


I would like to run nut 2.6.1 on an embeeded machine ( arm9 ) running linux and uclibc. A working gcc tool chain came with the board.
How can I compile and build nut using the cross compiler tool chain ?

Is the toolchain self-hosted? That is, can you run gcc on the board itself? (IMHO that is usually the easiest way to cross-compile.)

I know that this is not a very specific question. I have however little experience with cross compiling, and I wonder where to start. A logical point would be the configure script. It however does not find the cross compiler, and I have now idea how to tell the configure script where to look for the cross compiler....

It's probably easiest to help you if you copy-and-paste some error messages that you are getting, because there are probably hundreds of ways to do this. But here's how to cross-compile NUT for Win32:

   ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc

The "i586-mingw32msvc" string is the prefix for the cross-compiler. You might have a file like "arm9-eabi-none-gcc" (which should be somewhere in $PATH), so in that case I think you would use "-- host=arm9-eabi-none".

Charles Lepple

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