On 09/11/14 22:34, Charles Lepple wrote:
On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:04 PM, Stan Gammons <sg063...@gmail.com> wrote:

I see a libusb_get_interrupt message in the log. Could that be the problem?
Yes, it seems related.

    1.126896    upsdrv_initinfo...
    1.126906    upsdrv_updateinfo...
    1.127023    libusb_get_interrupt: Function not implemented
    1.127030    Got 0 HID objects...
    1.127036    Quick update...

Come to think of it, this might also depend on how OpenBSD provides libusb-0.1. 
What version of libusb-compat do you have?

# pkg_info
libltdl-2.4.2p0     GNU libtool system independent dlopen wrapper
libusb-compat-0.1.5 libusb-0.1 compatibility layer for libusb1
libusb1-1.0.9p8     library for USB device access from userspace
nut-2.7.2p2         UPS monitoring program supporting many brands
quirks-2.11         exceptions to pkg_add rules
radeondrm-firmware-20131002p0 firmware binary images for radeondrm(4) driver

However, checking the rest of the log, it seems like there are no errors during the 
"Quick update" portion, which should provide AC status updates (among others) 
every two seconds.

Can you can do a test where you power off the AC to the UPS? (I'd advise using 
a power strip, PDU, or circuit breaker to keep the ground connected, rather 
than pulling the plug completely.)

If so, same test, but "-DD" should suffice, and record the time (first column of the log 
is seconds since the start) when you toggle the power. Let it go for at least 30 seconds, so  it 
will eventually show up in the "Full update".

The OB/OL status is controlled by this line:

  [time]        Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type: Feature, 
ReportID: 0x07, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value

UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent remains at 1 when I turn the power off on the power strip the UPS is plugged into. Here's a 73 seconds long log with the power turned off.


Attachment: apcusb2.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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