I have UPS Socomec ITYS 3000 with Netvision card.
OS is Centos 6.5 64-bit.

NUT installed with yum,.

Why is ups.status empty?

Here is upsc output:

upsc myups@localhost
battery.charge: 97.00
battery.runtime: -60.00
battery.voltage: -0.10
device.mfr: Net Vision v6.01 (SN 0101414290)
device.model: ITYS 3 kVA
device.serial: 3I14450043
device.type: ups
driver.name: snmp-ups
driver.parameter.mibs: netvision
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 15
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.snmp_version: v1
driver.version: 2.6.5
driver.version.data: netvision MIB 0.3
driver.version.internal: 0.68
input.bypass.current: -0.10
input.bypass.frequency: 50.00
input.bypass.phases: 1.00
input.bypass.voltage: 221.00
input.current: -0.10
input.frequency: 50.00
input.phases: 1.00
input.voltage: 221.00
output.current: 5.10
output.frequency: 50.00
output.load: 39.00
output.phases: 1.00
output.voltage: 230.00
ups.firmware.aux: 1.06
ups.load: 39.00
ups.mfr: Net Vision v6.01 (SN 0101414290)
ups.model: ITYS 3 kVA
ups.serial: 3I14450043

upsmon -u nut -DDDDD
Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.6.5
kill: No such process
   0.000000     UPS: myups@ (master) (power value 1)
   0.000144     Using power down flag file /etc/killpower
   0.000293     debug level is '5'
   0.003999     Trying to connect to UPS [myups@]
   0.004279     Can not connect to in SSL, continue uncrypted
   0.004588     Logged into UPS myups@
   0.004826     pollups: myups@
   0.004847     get_var: myups@ / status
   0.005017     parse_status: []
   0.005032     do_notify: ntype 0x0005 (COMMBAD)
   0.005039     commbad
   0.005212     Current power value: 1
   0.005226     Minimum power value: 1
   5.005315     pollups: myups@
   5.005340     get_var: myups@ / status
   5.005504     parse_status: []
   5.005515     do_notify: ntype 0x0008 (NOCOMM)
   5.005520     nocomm
   5.005694     Current power value: 1
   5.005720     Minimum power value: 1
  10.005804     pollups: myups@
  10.005827     get_var: myups@ / status
  10.005984     parse_status: []
  10.005994     Current power value: 1.
  10.005999     Minimum power value: 1.
  15.006095     pollups: myups@
  15.006119     get_var: myups@ / status
  15.006265     parse_status: []
  15.006276     Current power value: 1.
  15.006281     Minimum power value: 1.
  20.006370     pollups: myups@
  20.006396     get_var: myups@ / status
  20.006547     parse_status: []
  20.006557     Current power value: 1.
  20.006563     Minimum power value: 1.
  25.006649     pollups: myups@
  25.006675     get_var: myups@ / status
  25.006881     parse_status: []
  25.006894     Current power value: 1.
  25.006901     Minimum power value: 1.
^C  26.292736   Signal 2: exiting
  26.292756     Dropping connection to UPS [myups@]


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