On Nov 9, 2014, at 8:13 AM, Marcelo Fernandez 
<marcelo.fidel.fernan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-11-09 9:59 GMT-03:00 Charles Lepple <clep...@gmail.com>:
>> Strange, I would have thought that the "Value: 0" would show the actual 
>> number. Does it look like drivers/libhid.o got rebuilt?
> Yes, at first I thought the same (that I did something wrong), but
> everything seems ok:

My apologies, you did say the numbers looked different.

Here's how the numbers get interpreted:

In hidparser.c:GetValue(), the bits get extracted from the report (example: 
"Report[buf]: (5 bytes) => 05 51 00 48 00"). For ConfigVoltage, the offset is 
16 bits, and we skip the first 8 (the report ID; 05 in this case). The size is 
16 bits, so that is "48 00" -> "0048", which should be 72.

However, this UPS still has a logical Min/Max of 0/1 in effect when the parser 
reads this.

Can you add the attached patch to your tree? I guess leave the other line 
commented out; I think there is some other scaling that needs to be addressed. 
The proper way to fix this is to override the HID descriptor, and that will 
take a little more coding.

Charles Lepple

Attachment: hidparser_fix_logical_max.patch
Description: Binary data

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