Hi all,

Score calculations in trunk/ follow a different model than in 0.7.x. I'd like to start a discussion on this - it was a significant change, and my feeling is that its consequences are not completely clear. I have some doubts myself, and I'd like to be sure what is going on.

A quick background: where Nutch 0.7.x used a variant of PageRank, Nutch 0.8 uses so called "Online Page Index Calculation" (OPIC) method. The OPIC score calculations are based on the idea that each page is initially assigned a certain "cash value", and it can distribute parts of its cash value to its outgoing links. At the same time, the page receives cash value from any incoming links pointing to it. This way we can adjust the page importance based on the "quality" of pages linked to/from it.

In terms of the current Nutch implementation:

* Injector: records the initial cash value of a page when it's injected to CrawlDB. The default value is implicitly set to 1.0f (see the declaration of "private float score" in CrawlDatum - not too smart, IMO this value should be set explicitly by Injector, based on a config property or cmd-line arguments).

* Generator: selects some pages (i.e. CrawlDatum with the initial score) and puts them in crawl_generate.

* Fetcher processes these CrawlDatum-s and passes these initial "cash values" down, to be recorded in crawl_parse.

* Parsing (invoked either from Fetcher or from ParseSegment) discovers outlinks, and records them using ParseOutputFormat, where each outlink ends up under the outlink's target URL in crawl_parse (as CrawlDatum.LINKED). It also sets their scores to a fraction of the originating page's score (i.e. outlink_score = orig_page_score / num_outlinks).

* CrawlDBReducer (used by CrawlDB.update()) collects all CrawlDatum-s from crawl_parse with the same URL, which means that we get:

   * the original CrawlDatum
   * (optionally a CrawlDatum that contains just a Signature)
* all CrawlDatum.LINKED entries pointing to our URL, generated by outlinks from other

Based on this information, a new score is calculated by adding the original score and all
 scores from incoming links.

HOWEVER... and here's where I suspect the current code is wrong: since we are processing just one segment the incoming link information is very incomplete because it comes only from the outlinks discovered by fetching this segment's fetchlist, and not the complete LinkDB.

One mitigating factor could be that we already accounted for incoming links from other segments when processing those other segments - so our initial score already includes the inlink information from other segments. But this assumes that we never generate and process more than 1 segment in parallel, i.e. that we finish updating from all previous segments before we update from the current segment (otherwise we wouldn't know the updated initial score).

Also, the "cash value" of those outlinks that point to URLs not in the current fetchlist will be dropped, because they won't be collected anywhere. LinkDB doesn't store the link "cash values", they are not stored in CrawlDB either.

I think a better option would be to add the LinkDB as an input dir to CrawlDB.update(), so that we have access to all previously collected inlinks. The problem is however that we don't keep the contributing "cash values" per inlink... but we could add this value to each Inlink when we run LinkDB.invertlinks().

And a final note: CrawlDB.update() uses the initial score value recorded in the segment, and NOT the value that is actually found in CrawlDB at the time of the update. This means that if there was another update in the meantime, your new score in CrawlDB will be overwritten with the score based on an older initial value. This is counter-intuitive - I think CrawlDB.update() should always use the latest score value found in the current CrawlDB. I.e. in CrawlDBReducer instead of doing:

     result.setScore(result.getScore() + scoreIncrement);

we should do:

     result.setScore(old.getScore() + scoreIncrement);


I hope all this is not too confusing ... I hope I'm not the one who is hopelessly confused ;-)

Any comments, corrections and suggestions appreciated!

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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