Thanks, Chris!  (And thank you, Andrzej for interpreting my rantings!)

That plan sounds fantastic and I would be happy to help out.


On Jun 5, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Chris Mattmann wrote:

> Hi Andrzej,
>> The main problem, as Scott observed, is that the static flag  
>> affects all
>> instances of the task executing inside the same JVM. If there are
>> several Fetcher tasks (or any other tasks that check for SEVERE  
>> flag!),
>> belonging to different jobs, all of them will quit. This is certainly
>> not the intended behavior.
> Got it.
>>>> In fact, I believe that this would make a fantastic anti- 
>>>> pattern.  If this
>>>> kind of behavior is *really* wanted (and I argue that it should  
>>>> not be
>>>> below),
>>>> it should be done through an explicit mechanism, not as a side- 
>>>> effect.
>> I have a proposal for a simple solution: set a flag in the current
>> Configuration instance, and check for this flag. The Configuration
>> instance provides a task-specific context persisting throughout the
>> lifetime of a task - but limited only to that task. Voila - problem
>> solved. We get rid of the dubious use of LogFormatter (I hope  
>> Chris that
>> even you would agree that this pattern is slightly .. unusual ;) )
> What, "unusual"? Huh? :-)
>> and
>> we gain flexible mechanism limited in scope to the current task,  
>> which
>> ensures isolation from other tasks in the same JVM. How about that?
> +1
> I like your proposed solution. I haven't used multiple fetchers really
> inside the same process too, much however, I do have an application  
> that
> calls fetches in more of a sequential way in the same JVM. So, I  
> guess I
> just never ran across the behavior. The thing I like about the  
> proposed
> solution is its separation and isolation of a task context, which I  
> think
> that Nutch (now relying on Hadoop as the underlying architectural  
> computing
> platform) needed to address.
> So, to summarize, the proposed resolution is:
> * add flag field in Configuration instance to signify whether or not a
> SEVERE error has been logged within a task's context
> * check this field within the fetcher to determine whether or not  
> to stop
> the fetcher, just for that fetching task identified by its  
> Configuration
> (and no others)
> Is this representative of what you're proposing Andrzej? If so, I'd  
> like to
> take the lead on contributing a small patch that handles this, and  
> then it
> would be great if people like Scott could test this out in their  
> existing
> environments where this error was manifesting itself.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
>   Chris
> (BTW: would you like me to re-open the JIRA issue, or do you want  
> to do it?)
> ______________________________________________
> Chris A. Mattmann
> Staff Member
> Modeling and Data Management Systems Section (387)
> Data Management Systems and Technologies Group
> _________________________________________________
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory            Pasadena, CA
> Office: 171-266B                        Mailstop:  171-246
> _______________________________________________________
> Disclaimer:  The opinions presented within are my own and do not  
> reflect
> those of either NASA, JPL, or the California Institute of Technology.

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