Hook Mountain 25 September

Joe Giunta and I (Sy Schiff) arrived at 10:30 AM and stayed till 1:00 PM. The 
clear, bright, sunny sky contained a few clouds. There was a slow but 
continuous stream of raptors, mostly fairly high up. The mix was good while we 
were there including Osprey, adult Bald Eagle, Sharp-shinned and Cooper's 
Hawks, Red-shoulder, Broad-winged and Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrel. 
Two Broad-wing kettles, together totaling a dozen birds were extremely high. 
However, a couple of single birds flew by at lower altitude for excellent looks.

Both Black and Turkey Vultures circled the watch and a Raven came by chased by 
crows. We speculated that some of the Red-tails might also be local based on 
their flight pattern.

Land birds were particularly sparse walking up, but we did see a single 
Yellow-rumped Warbler at the top (our first for the fall). Another unexpected 
migrant was a Snow Goose in a flock of high flying Canada Geese.



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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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