I ran into Steve Nanz at Floyd Bennett Field this morning. He was leading a trip for the BBC and told me that they spotted a Red-necked Grebe earlier in the morning. They were at Plum Beach and the grebe was on the bay traveling towards Sheepshead Bay. I headed back on my bike and spotted the bird a little past 12 noon. It was at the mouth of Sheepshead Bay, closer to Kingsborough Community College than Plum Beach. I was on a concrete pier (of sorts) at the end of Brigham Street. To get a closer look I rode my bike around to the Kingsborough campus where I was stopped by security. Apparently, the college doesn't permit bicycles on campus, even if I just walked it. How forward thinking and conservation minded. Anyway, I tried looking for the bird from the Menorah Nursing Home seawall, next door, but was too far away from the eastern tip of the peninsula. Here's a link to a map:


One other sighting of possible interest was a flock of 10 Horned Larks at the Cricket Field in Floyd Bennett Field.

Good birding,



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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