This is a summary of the Birdline reports for the week ending February 17, 2010

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Only thirty species were reported this week.

The most interesting were:
ICELAND GULL: Crescent 2/13; Coxsackie Boat Launch 2/14 (2), 2/15.
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL: Coxsackie Boat Launch 2/14.
SHORT-EARED OWL: Saratoga Battlefield 2/14 (2).
NORTHERN SHRIKE: Charlton 2/13.

Other highlights:

Gadwall: Cohoes Falls 2/15 (2).

Ring-necked Duck: Stillwater 2/15 (6).

Common Goldeneye: Stillwater 2/15 (75).

Great Blue Heron: Albany 2/11.

Turkey Vulture: Ravena 2/12 (2).

Bald Eagle: Stillwater 2/11; Lake George 2/14.

Northern Harrier: Coxsackie Grasslands 2/12, 2/14; Amsterdam 2/14.

Sharp-shinned Hawk: Coxsackie 2/14; Amsterdam 2/14.

Cooper's Hawk: Colonie 2/11; Coxsackie 2/14.

Rough-legged Hawk: Coxsackie Grasslands 2/14; Amsterdam 2/14.

American Kestrel: Amsterdam 2/14.

Peregrine Falcon: Troy 2/13.

Eastern Screech-Owl: Colonie 2/15.

Great Horned Owl: Loudonville 2/13.

Barred Owl: Rensselaerville 2/13; Warrensburg 2/13.

Northern Flicker: Rexford 2/11.

Fish Crow: Schenectady 2/15.

Common Raven: Brunswick 2/13 (2).

Carolina Wren: Rexford 2/11 (2).

Eastern Bluebird: Stillwater 2/11 (6).

Northern Mockingbird: Charlton 2/13.

Cedar Waxwing: West Sand Lake 2/16 (flock).

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Cathie Bryant (Stillwater 2/11), Gerry Colborn (Rensselaerville, Crescent), Bernie Grossman (Rexford), Rich Guthrie (Ravena, Coxsackie Boat Launch 2/14, Coxsackie, Coxsackie Grasslands 2/14), David Harrison (Cohoes Falls, Warrensburg, Saratoga Battlefield, Stillwater 2/15), Peg Hasselwander (Albany), Eric Krantz (Lake George), Anne Magee (Albany 2/11), Curt Morgan (Coxsackie Grasslands 2/12), Jeff Nadler (Charlton, Coxsackie Boat Launch 2/15), Pat Newman (Stillwater 2/14, Saratoga Battlefield), Ellen Pemrick (Colonie), Bob Ramonowski (Schenectady), George Steele (Amsterdam), Scott Stoner (Loudonville), Brad Walker (Brunswick) and two anonymous reports (Troy, West Sand Lake).


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