South Shore Beaches 30 July.
Visited Malibu Beach Park (before the 8:00 AM opening charge), the next beach 
to the west of the Point Lookout Town Beach. It's at the first traffic light 
going west after coming off the loop parkway and opposite the Lido Beach 
Passive Nature Area. The roped off area holds the smaller of the two 
Tern/Skimmer colonies with an estimated 1-200 skimmer pairs and a estimated 200 
Common Tern pairs. To the west, a roped off area at Nickerson Beach Park holds 
about twice as many of each. In addition there are Piping Plover, American 
Oystercatchers and Least Terns nesting on the beach.

There is lots of activity and commotion at the colonies and the terns will dive 
bomb you if you venture too close to the rope. I chose to stay near the water 
where Sanderlings were enjoying the edge with occasional joggers. A seawatch 
observed numerous fishing Common Terns, a Gull-billed Tern and a Royal Tern.

A quick stop at the Nature Area produced few shorebirds, but a Northern 
Waterthrush and two Yellow Warblers along the path to the bay.

Short Beach Island opposite the Jones Beach West End Marina held some 4-500 
Shorebirds; Black-bellied Plover, 2; Semipalmated Plover, ~20; American 
Oystercatcher, ~150; Willet,, 26 mostly "Western"; Ruddy Turnstone, ~15; Red 
Knot, ~25, about half with color; Sanderling, ~75, they flew off to the far 
bar; Semipalmated Sandpiper, ~20; Short-billed Dowitcher, ~40.

Sy Schiff


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