Seabirds and shorebirds made a big showing on LI this weekend.

During a Saturday afternoon seawatch at Cupsogue, near Moriches Inlet, Patricia 
Lindsay and I were joined at times by Richard Kaskan, Mike Higgiston, and 
Eileen Schwinn. Highlights were our earliest ever Wilson's Storm-Petrels (11) 
and a first summer Black-legged Kittiwake; five Roseate Terns and 27 Black 
Skimmers were present on the flats. Later at Shinnecock Inlet we were amazed to 
see at least 70 WISPs feeding over a patch of water southwest of the inlet 
mouth. A breeding-plumaged Horned Grebe was also noteworthy on Shinnecock Bay.

This morning at Robert Moses SP, we observed a very nice movement of seabirds 
from 6:40-8:40:

2 Sooty Shearwaters
144 Wilson's Storm-Petrels
605 Northern Gannets (almost all immature)
46 Common Loons
17 Red-throated Loons
2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (first summer & third summer)
1 Roseate Tern
45 Least Terns
3 Black Terns (breeding plumage)
1 Parasitic Jaeger (adult light morph)

Shorebirds have also moved in big numbers. Cupsogue featured 350 
breeding-plumaged Dunlin, 350 Sanderlings, 15 Red Knots, and a White-rumped 
Sandpiper on Saturday; another White-rump was present today in the swale south 
of Jones Beach West End parking Field 2, among 350 Semipalmated Plovers and 500 
Semipalmated Sandpipers. Ruddy Turnstones and Short-billed Dowitchers are 
starting to build numbers--we saw about 50 of the former and 20 of the latter 
along Dune Rd yesterday.

Breeding landbirds were pretty much as expected in central-eastern LI 
yesterday. We couldn't find the Blue Grosbeak at Rte. 51 in Eastport, but we 
found a singing male Summer Tanager near where the dirt road from Hunters 
Garden connects with the north end of the bike path.


Change is in the Air - Smoking in Designated Areas Only as of July 1, 


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