Hello All,            Dick Belanger and I were quite pleased this early morn
to find the flats at Cupsogue empty of all the usual: numerous and quite
serious clam muckers, noisy bayside scamperers, large running dogs , but
most particularly that deafening, MOSQUITO CONTROL HELICOPTER that has
twice, just recently, made shorebird viewing at Cupsogue flats a lost cause
for us. Without the aforementioned we were treated to unobstructed and
lengthy views of 6 Marbled Godwits and a juvenile Whimbrel. Four of the
Godwits, the Whimbrel and 2 "Western" Willets preened and rested for almost
an hour together across the little channel that feeds the encroaching tide
from the west. The two other Marbled's were casually feeding/napping just to
the east of them. Dowitchers,Turnstones, and Greater Yellowlegs were about
but the "peeps" had less presence today and there was no sign of the Black
Terns. Good August Birding,       Carl Starace


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