Saturday, 12 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

In addition the the male Eastern Bluebird that Anders P. has reported  
in the Ramble's "Tupelo meadow" area this a.m., there were most,  
perhaps all the species as reported yesterday for the Ramble area,  
including a male Black-and-white Warbler in the areas east & s.e. of  
the Evodia Field very early this a.m., and Blue-headed Vireo near Bow  
Bridge, on the Ramble side, plus Louisiana Waterthrush silently  
stalking the lower Gill, towards the lake & many other expected  
migrants. At least 3 Pine Warblers, including 2 bright males, several  
Palm Warblers, & at least 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler were in the vicinity  
of the King Jagiello statue east of Turtle Pond early, & while being  
watched all of these & some other songbirds seemed to be moving  
towards either the s. path of Turtle Pond or possibly towards the  
eastern Ramble, this around 8 a.m.  2 Baltimore Orioles that  
overwintered remain in (or near) the Ramble, this a.m.

At the north end, a Wilson's Snipe has been at the Loch's "bamboo  
thicket" area, moving a little & allowing at least occasional views  
with patience, thanks to John Wittenberg & Karen Fung, watching with  
K. Wada, & Malcolm Morris as well as myself. M. Morris also had a  
modestly early male Common Yellowthroat appear at the south slope of  
the Great Hill, not too far above the prominent balanced boulder that  
sits a bit above the path on the n. side of The Pool. When going to  
look for that, M.M., Sandy Paci, and I saw a beautifully-plumaged  
Savannah Sparrow, as well as 3 Field Sparrows in that meadow just  
above the balanced boulder, & there were some other nice birds in that  
area as well, such as male E. Towhee and Chipping Sparrow, etc.  At  
the Blockhouse in the north woods, K. Wada, M.M. & I watched 2 Blue- 
gray Gnatcatchers play in a couple of Hackberry trees, very slightly  
east of the Blockhouse on the main path. Also present were both  
species of Kinglet, as are being seen elsewhere around the park.

At the reservoir, what is now at least the 4th Red-necked Grebe of  
this year was photographed, in near-full breeding plumage, this grebe  
seen at sunrise near the n. side. I did not see the most recent  
("3rd") drab-plumaged R.-n. Grebe this morning so it may have moved out.

good spring! birding,

Tom Fiore,

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