After seeing this morning's reports of significant bird movement, but being 
stuck going to work, I was able to swing past Jones Beach west end at 
lunchtime. What was most interesting was the sheer volume of migrants around 
the Coast Guard station. So many passerines were moving around that I actually 
had to duck to avoid 2 different GC Kinglets and my FOS RB Nuthatch as I stood 
along the edge of the parking lot by the CG Sta.  

YR Warblers were the most abundant, but E. Phoebes, N. Flickers, and GC 
Kinglets were also strongly represented. Brown Creepers were in, and several RB 
Nuthatches were heard. RC Kinglets were present in smaller numbers than GC. 

Other warblers included Common Yellowthroat, Pine, Black-and-white, 
Black-throated Blue, eastern and western Palm. A Red-eyed Vireo bathed in a 
puddle, giving me the rare chance to look down on one of these birds, rather 
than the usual overhead views. 

The hedgerow area produced several each of Chipping, Field, Savannah, 
White-throated and Song Sparrows and one White-crowned Sparrow. I didn't have 
any of the Pine Siskins that were present earlier, but a lone Bobolink was a 
bit of a surprise. 

Raptors included a Kestrel, Cooper's Hawk and a couple of Merlins. All were 
perching and seemed quite interested in the busy scene and accompanying 
potential meal opportunities. 

Two Royal Terns did a fly-by and the Skimmer flock was around 65 birds, 
including mostly adults. Black-bellied Plovers and Ruddy Turnstones were on the 
sandbar, but all shorebirds were flushed before I could look for anything more 

Tree Swallows swirled overhead, easily numbering into the thousands and 
impossible to count as they moved about, occasionally swirling into a funnel 
and giving me the feeling of one of those David Attenborough documentary 

Nothing terribly rare, but an inspiring hour of birding. 

Tim Dunn
Babylon NY
Sent from my iPhone


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